

Definition of fadingly. : in the manner of one that is fading a fadingly attractive beauty of yesterday.

Define fadingly. fadingly synonyms, fadingly pronunciation, fadingly translation, English dictionary definition of fadingly. n. 1. A waning a decline: The final factor in the fading of the Renaissance was the Counter Reformation . 2. Fluctuation in the strength of radio signals…

The numerical value of fadingly in Chaldean Numerology is: 8. Pythagorean Numerology. The numerical value of fadingly in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6, fading. (f?d?ing) 1. In electronics, signal attenuation. 2. Gradual loss of strength or intensity degeneration. 3. In education, the stepwise withdrawal of instructional prompts to determine whether a student can perform a new skill on his own. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners.

Definition of fadingly. : in the manner of one that is fading a fadingly attractive beauty of yesterday. What does Fadge mean? Definition of fadge (Entry 1 of 2) 1 a chiefly Scottish : a round thick loaf of bread b chiefly Irish : potato cake or bread, Fadingly | Definition of Fadingly by Merriam-Webster, Birthday Party: Literary Analysis (Prose) – English …

Fading – definition of fading by The Free Dictionary, Fading | Definition of Fading at Dictionary.com
